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Popups and Popunders (provide standalone popups and popunders not bundled with banner)
While many so
called banner adnetworks offer popup support it often is
more economically beneficial for a website to use banner
networks specifically for banners and popup/popunder ads
apart from banners. Doubleclick may want to tie uncapped
popups to banners but this is not the most effective way
to generate money for a publisher or allow a publisher to
cap popups/popunders as they see fit. With popup and
popunder advertising there are ads which are shown once
per session and ads which are shown for every page view a
visitor reads. Popups and Popunders can generate a
website far more than banners so real thought should be
put into just how a given website plans to incorporate
these ad formats. Keep in mind that popup programs often
don't count traffic from certain countries or have
specific requirements as to what a fully loaded ad is.
Testing rather than using the CPM amount you are paid
will give you a better idea of how well certain pop
programs pay. Some pop programs are more selective in the
sites they accept so you will end up having to work with
the networks that will actually accept your site. Below is a basic break down of the various popup/popunder ads and advertising networks that are good at selling this ad format: Popunders Capped FastClick Ad Network - clearly the industry leader as far as capped popunders. They generate high rates for publishers and have a high load rate. They even let you select or deselect campaigns and set up defaults so you can send popunder inventory that they could not sell to other adnetworks. Famous for its once per session and once per 24 hour popunders they are the popunder provider everyone should hope they can be accepted into. *I have been paid by them and I am very satisfied with them Popuptraffic - this company pays for popunders once per 12 hour period but you will have to use your own cookie and javascript to limit delivery of the ads or you will be sending popunders that you will not be paid for. Popuptraffic is an excellent default for unsold fastclick popunder inventory. *I have been paid by them and still use them Netrift pays $2.25 per unique popunder with the ability to add your own defaults Goclick - this is a pay per click search engine that offers popunders which are capped to once per user. Their payout rate varies according to how productive your traffic is for them. It can vary between 0.50 to 2.50 cpm with everyone starting out at $2.50 cpm. *I have been paid by them but no longer use them Focalex - offers standalone popunders at 1 cpm or popunders to be shown to visitors sent to sign up for their various newsletter offers. |
Popunders Uncapped
ClickXchange -
Fineclicks - has advertisers paying 50 cents cpm for uncapped popunders for general sites and $1 cpm for uncapped webmaster related sites as of Dec 14, 2002. Advertwizard - resells Zedo popunders and allows publishers to set a cap from 1 to unlimited on the popunders and get a portion of the revenue the popunders generate.. Popups Capped Popuptraffic - this company pays for popups once per 12 hour period at a rate of 2 cpm but you will have to use your own cookie and javascript to limit delivery of the ads or you will be sending popups that you will not be paid for. The ad must load for you to be paid so expect less revenue with popuptraffic's popups than you generate with their popunders because people will close the ads before they fully load. FastClick Ad Network - offers a new twist on the popup ad called Invue. Invue ads slide in from the left side of the screen usually and then stay in the middle of the screen until clicked close. Cookied at once per visit. Take a look at this ad format at their site even if you don't wish to run it for it is unqiue. Exitfuel - offers a single popup paying 3 cpm Popupsponsor - offers a single popup program paying 3 cpm Popups Uncapped
ClickXchange -
Advertwizard - resells Zedo uncapped popups giving the publisher a 50% share of the revenue that can be generated. Popups can be caped to whatever level desired. Webhitsdirect - pays 2 cpm for unique popups and 75 cents per thousand raw popups when they have inventory but they don't seem to be accepting new publishers at the present time. Peel - accepts almost any entertainment site and pays 35 cents cpm for uncapped popups on average but does deliver some popups with tricky download style prompts Popinads - offers a takeover type ad that scrolls up the top of the screen that can be capped at once per seession or shown in a raw fashion. Various payout rates according to the country of the visitor seeing the ad. Paypopup - another uncapped popup provider paying variable rates for ads depending on the country of the visitor that sees it. This company also has supposedly has a capping option. Paypop operates Popinads too which is a more agressive popup style takeover ad. *Also for uncapped popups look at adnetworks that run popups with banners like Burstmedia, Gorilla Nation, UGO, Doubleclick/Maxworld Media, 24/7 Media, or Focusin. Popups Uncapped Multispawning Exitfuel - offers a popup program that spawns multiple popups which pays 5 cpm but is very intrusive to websurfers and their experience on your site. Popupsponsor - offers a popup program that spawns multiple popups for 5 CPM Popup and Popunder CPC Allclicks - this Standard Internet program allows you to use whatever creative you want including your own popups and popunders and pays 2 cents per first click Clickthrutraffic - this Standard Internet program pays 5 cents to 20 cents for each second clickthru on their pay per click search engine. Has preset up popunders you can use. Popup and Popunder CPA programs - rotates a variety of CPA offers capped at once per sesssion or per 24 hour as publisher prefers, claims publishers average 0.75 to 1.50 CPM with their popups/popunders Santa Monica Networks - rotates a variety of CPA popunders and offers publishers 65 percent of revenue or a flat rate CPM if you perform well. Publishers can cap ads to the frequency level they desire. Requires 1000 daily uniques. Traffic Marketplace - rotates CPA popunder offers and gives publishers 65% of the resulting revenue. This company is now a subsidiary of Vivendi Universal, a very large media company famous for the Universal Studios movies among other things. Popunder Exchanges offers an exit traffic popunder exchange Other Popup/Popunder Programs Not Recommended or Not Very Popular Adscpm - offers a once per 24 hour popunder window with or without download prompt. The downside is that the window has no X to close it and you have to use Control Alt 4 to close it. So in essence few of a site's newbie visitors will know how to get rid of this ad except by clicking. offers uncapped popups at 0.20 to $0.50 cpm and multispawning popups for $1 to $2 cpm Infinite-Ads - a popunder provider promising rates of between $1 and $2.50 per 1000 unqiue visitors. This site is not recommended because few use it and the owner was seen trying to sell the network unsuccesfully at |