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Yabb Forum Software


Free; this software in many ways is the free alternative to the more popular Vbulletin software that one has to buy.

Private message boards and private messaging between board members.

Board members can receive email notification of responses to topics they subscribe to.

Member profile pages and the ability to moderate users and posts.

Hosting and Software Requirements

Webhosting adequate to handle the CPU requirements and your diskspace needs which depend on how popular your board is.

Perl 5 (or higher) installed on the server your web account is on v2.4+ and modules installed on the server your web account is on

At least 1 MB of diskspace on your webspace account; over 3 MB recommended

Sendmail (for Linux/Unix) or SMTP (for Windows/NT or Linux/Unix); optional, but recommended

Sample Forums Using Yabb

Media Jukebox with 6000 forum members

over 50,000 other websites use Yabb

Visit the official Yabb site to read more or download the software

View links to resources useful for Yabb Users