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Ikonboard Forum Software


Free and supported by the Jarvis Group that runs a webhosting company and other online properites meaning the software is not likely to be abandoned as other free forum software has been in the past.

Unlimited categories and threads.

Supports archive mode for read only forums.

Polls, Member Profiles, and Moderation capabilities.

*Many other features hard to determine from the Ikonboard site at quick glance.

Hosting and Software Requirements

Requirements vary according to the version of Ikonboard one uses. I could find no list of hosting requirements on the Ikonboard site.

I would suggest asking a potential host if they can support Ikonboard, most probably can.

Sample Forums Using Ikonboard

Pure Motion DVD and Divx Forum

UDP Soft

*Note I have never been an active poster at any forums using Ikonboard software even though the software is used by thousands of small forums.

*Read more about Ikonboard or Download it for free

*View links to useful resource sites for Ikonboard Users